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Page | Last updated: 20 Feb 2025

TIM Dual-Use

TIM Dual-Use Web Platform


 TIM Dual-Use (TIM DU) is a web-based platform tailored to the mapping of:

- dual-use technologies listed in the "EU  dual-use control list" (Annex I to  Regulation 2021/821, as amended under annual delegated Acts), divided into ten  categories;                 

- emerging technologies not listed but with potential dual-use applications.

TIM DU snapshot
TIM Dual-Use showing organisations involved in nuclear dual-use research, 1996-2020


The TIM database contains 3 types of documents, updated annually:

  • Scientific publications in Scopus, 40,000 journals by Elsevier and other publishers, with more than 50 million abstracts (in English, also if the full paper is e.g. in Chinese)
  • Patents (European Patent Office - PATSTAT, containing about 25 million patents from more than 90 worldwide patent authorities including all the major countries
  • EU-funded projects (CORDIS): more than 77,000 research projects, including also partners from third countries


Dual-use technologies might be included in the contents of SCOPUS abstracts, patents and EU-funded research projects, which therefore could be subject to export authorisations prior to publication or sharing, as required by Regulation 2021/821.

TIM DU’s mapping of Dual-use technologies is performed by means of search algorithms based on keywords related to the "EU dual-use control list", as well as emerging technologies, with their scientific and technical synonyms. The choice of keywords and Boolean combinations has been designed to maximise the results while striving for the best possible relevance.

TIM Dual-Use applications can be multiple:

  • Mapping of a country’s R&D international cooperation networks related to dual-use;
  • Mapping of specific research institutes, companies, Universities, researchers’ scientific publications with regard to potential dual-use technologies;
  • Monitoring of emerging technologies (technological development and trends, as appearing from chronological and geographical developments).

For research entities in particular:

  • Assessing the past scientific production to identify articles, patents or EU-funded project results already produced and published, which could have had a potential dual-use content;
  • Identifying areas for targeted awareness-raising activities to reinforce internal compliance.


TIM DU has been developed by JRC (STRIKE project - G.II.7 unit; T.5 unit) and University of Liège (European Studies Unit).


Contact Information:

For more information visit:

EU Dual-use trade controls European Commission - DG Trade

EU P2P Dual-use export control cooperation programme


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