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A balanced and rational approach to climate change

The Global Warming Policy Foundation is a non-partisan think tank and a registered educational charity that focuses on climate and energy policy. 

We are deeply concerned about the impact of climate change policies: that they may be doing more harm than good, both to the world’s poorest people and the environment. 

Our aim is to provide robust and reliable analysis of climate and energy issues, based on rigorous research, for policymakers and the general public.

Taxing the North Sea

By Tim Worstall

This new paper explains the way North Sea oil and gas projects are taxed and corrects the widespread confusion over the tax credits that accrue to oil and gas fields at the end of their lifetimes.

We need your help to continue our vital work

The Global Warming Policy Foundation relies on donations from the public to continue its vital work. Your donation will help us to scrutinise climate policies and ensure that the public are educated about the full range of costs and benefits associated with different policy scenarios. 

We do not accept gifts from either energy companies or anyone with a significant interest in an energy company.